Name: Kelly "the missus" Clark
Location: Washington State (sometimes Seattle, sometimes Vancouver)
Favorite Part of Barb's website: BEN FRIENDS profiles, pictures, and anecdotes.
How You Met Barb: I found a picture of Ben Folds in glasses on her site and noticed that she has a super great smile so I IMed her "You have such a pretty smile!" and then we went away to San Francisco together.
Favorite Thing about Barb: Her ability to make me both laugh with joy and cry lonely tears at the same time.
One Thing that annoys you about Barb: "I could totally just eat a nectarine right in front of Don" <~~don't think I don't realize that you stole the nectarine thing from me. (hey kelly, i said that just for you dear)
Have you Met Barb, and if so, when and where: YES I MET BARB IN SAN FRAN NOV 2002 AND IN NYC AUGUST 2003
What is your best quality?: Apparently I can do a very good YEOW!! grunt-cheer that is very recognizable on bootlegs. Is that good?
If I made you cookies, what kinda would you request? gooey ones. I loves me the salmonella.
What channel is notoriously being watched on your tv? I haven't got a TV, I'm po'
Think of Barb, what comes to your mind? smiiiiiiiiiile
Have you ever had Barb in a dream, if so, what was it? not yet. ;-)
Mountains or Ocean? ocean
Coke or Pepsi? DIET COKE (with sugar free vanilla or sugar free raspberry syrup!)
Italy or Paris? Paris, only because I remember how to say swear words in french
Hawaii or Bahamas? *shrug* I burn too easy for tropics
Do you like to watch Comedy Central? is the pope catholic?
Who do you miss the most? Ben and Joe and Barb and Don and Leia and Annie and Juils and Sean and Chris and Brian and Doug and John and 'jin' and Sergio
What makes you happiest? singing the laugh in army with OTHER PEOPLE at a ben show. and singing split harmonies with a thousand other ben fans and everyone is in tune. and being so fucking excited to be there and yelling and cheering and laughing so much that I can't breathe and I can't figure out how to do them all at the same time. And remembering Annie taking one in the kermit leg for us.
Does Barb make you happy sometimes? "MUWA HA HA!!!!" ~barb, central park, 8/20/03, army
A few things about Kelly:
I wish Kelly was my missus... but i DID sleep with her in New York ;), so I guess I'm on my way there. You know what a really love about Kelly? Her laugh. It makes me smile. She's one of top ten when it comes to Ben Friends! She ate a tangerine in front of me only after meeting me one time before. That says something.