Musician: Ben Folds
Song: It changes ALL the time, but probably something ryan sent me
Superhero: Batman
Hot Actor: Joshua Jackson
Snack: cookies! (mint and creme oreos taste just like thin mints people, get some.)
Movies: White Squall, Dead Poet's Society, Wayne's World
Book: .... i should read more....
Pastime: roadtripping
Techmology: cell phones
Food: mmm... dessert
Article of clothing: I'd say that shirt that i'm wearing in that pic up there, but it was stolen in NY, so now, it's probably like, my three quarters sleeved cafepress ben shirt from the old benfoldsmedia site, rip.
Store: Target(nationally) The Blue Heron (locally)
Beverage: Vanilla Diet Coke
Fruit: Strawberries and peaches and bananas
Body part: Hands and Arms, and eyes, and teeth, and...
Nintendo game: Zelda or Tetris
Pen: Pilot Razor Point II, Super Fine
Scent to wear: Bath and body works Fresh Waterfall Mist, which they discontinued a long time ago and the last of it that i had was stolen with my luggage in NY. nice.
Scent to smell: Guys that smell good, not necessarily all cologned up, but just, guys that smell good.
Piece of Furniture: MY BED
South Park Character: Ike, mmkay?
Roadie: Joe Delorenzo
... of the moment